Piloting and expansion
Tiptoeing into this arena, Choptank provided guidance on the marketing strategy and the approach to the direct mail campaign. Working together, Choptank and Adidas developed a campaign of marketing tactics that targeted Adidas’s outlet locations in Florida for a pilot launch. Including 2 tip-on cards with different offers and a “text to win” program, Choptank helped to design direct mailers and newspaper inserts. Choptank and Adidas built tracking on every aspect of the campaign. While redemption and “text to win” entries were tracked by Adidas, other links in the program were tracked and reported by Choptank to get a full view of the customer activity driven by the campaign.
After a successful pilot of the program in Florida, Adidas wanted to expand the program to include California. With new offers, Choptank designed a new campaign, including direct mail pieces and newspaper inserts. Redemption of offers in this second campaign showed a 3x redemption rate increase in California over Florida.